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July 1, 2012, vol 8, no 2

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Ray Rasmussen

All That Remains

The email is from college friends with whom I've not had contact for 30 years. They write:

"For some reason that we cannot entirely explain we decided to try and find you. We were just at lunch with friends, some of whom are quite a bit younger, and we found ourselves telling them a bit about the 60's. Some of our experiences with you came to mind, the anti-war marches, the sit-ins, the Fillmore concerts, Joan Baez singing 'We shall overcome,' the hippies and drug scene. So here we are contacting you."

What to say? Marriage and children. Affairs and divorce. Friends and enemies. Successes and losses. Too many regrets.

And why say anything beyond how difficult the telling is?

winter snow

peony roots somewhere

 beneath the crust

Published in Frogpond, Winter 2011
